Hook for creating an offer, accessing the active process step as well as the transaction hash
import { CreateOfferStep, useCreateOffer } from '@liteflow/react'
import { BigNumber } from 'ethers'
export default function Component() {
const signer = undefined // type of "Signer & TypedDataSigner" Get the signer from the wallet. Need to be an Ethers Signer (
const [createOffer, { activeStep, transactionHash }] = useCreateOffer(signer)
const handleClick = async () => {
await createOffer({
type: 'BUY',
chain: 56,
collection: '0x1e4fc916afcf548a2e62c5865fefe2069755a3a3',
quantity: BigNumber.from(1), // Quantity of asset to offer. Must be 1 for offer on ERC721. Use BigNumber
unitPrice: {
amount: BigNumber.from(1).mul(BigNumber.from(10).pow(18)), // this value is in base unit of the token. This is equivalent to 1 ETH. Use BigNumber
currency: '0x19a4866a85c652eb4a2ed44c42e4cb2863a62d51', // Currency address
taker: '0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789',
expiredAt: new Date('2024-01-01'),
return (
{activeStep === CreateOfferStep.INITIAL && (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Create Offer</button>
{activeStep === CreateOfferStep.APPROVAL_SIGNATURE && (
<p>Please sign message in wallet</p>
{activeStep === CreateOfferStep.APPROVAL_PENDING && (
<p>Message signature is pending</p>
{activeStep === CreateOfferStep.SIGNATURE && (
<p>Signature is being asked</p>
{transactionHash && <p>Transaction hash is {transactionHash}</p>}
signer: Signer | undefined, // Ethers signer:
Return values
(data: {
type: OfferType
chain: ChainId
collection: Address
token: string
quantity: BigNumber
unitPrice: {
amount: BigNumberish
currency: Address | null
taker?: Address
expiredAt?: Date
auctionId?: UUID
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>
}) => Promise<string>, // createOffer. function to create an Offer
activeStep: CreateOfferStep, // returns different values depending on the current creation step
transactionHash: string | undefined, // returns the transaction hash after transaction has been placed on the blockchain
Function to create an offer for an NFT. It returns the created Offer ID.
Arguments createOfferFn
type: OfferType, // "BUY" or "SALE" enum see OfferType
chain: ChainId, // Chain ID
collection: Address, // Collection address
token: string, // Token id
quantity: BigNumber, // Quantity of asset to offer. Must be 1 for offer on ERC721. Use BigNumber
unitPrice: {
amount: BigNumber, // Price per NFT unit, the price is in the token unit (e.g: Ethereum's WEI) therefore needs to be a BigNumber
currency: Address | null, // Currency address, set `null` for native token
taker?: Taker, // Optional, wallet address of the offer's receiver. This allows to create an offer that only a specific wallet can accept.
expiredAt?: Date, // Optional date at which the offer expired. If not set, the API will enforce one. If offer is on an auction, this date is always set by the API.
auctionId?: UUID // Optional, Id of the auction to create the offer on.
metadata?: Record<string, unknown> // Optional, payload to save alongside the offer
The status of the transaction as an enum CreateOfferStep
executed in this order. Once the offer creation has been complete the state returns to CreateOfferStep.INITIAL
enum CreateOfferStep {
INITIAL, // Default
APPROVAL_SIGNATURE, // Message signature has been initiated
APPROVAL_PENDING, // Message signature is pending
SIGNATURE, // Signature is being asked
The hash of the blockchain transaction of the created offer. This is only accessible after the approval of the transaction (after CreateOfferStep.APPROVAL_PENDING